Exercise in School...
Below are our articles on the subject of Exercise in School. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Compulsory PE in School
What does compulsory PE in schools entail?...
Exercise in Schools
How sport in schools is viewed and structured....
How to Engage Children in Dance
Engaging children in dance as a way of getting exercise without realising it. The health benefits: physical and psychological. Finding dance workshops and classes....
How to Introduce New Sports to Your Child's School
The ways in which you could approach the subject of having your sport included in your school's programme...
Is There a Link Between Exercise and Intelligence in Children?
The outcome from the research into links between intelligence and exercise....
PE: Why all Round Fitness is Not Always the Outcome
How doctors from a leading exercise institute are suggesting PE lessons should be reformed....