Fit Under 5's...
Below are our articles on the subject of Fit Under 5's. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Active Games for Preschoolers
Information about active games for preschool aged children, aimed at helping them to develop an appreciation of fitness while they have fun....

Activities for 3-5 Year Olds
Ideas for appropriate physical activity for children aged 3-5. Includes game suggestions as well as a summary of the benefits of exercise for young children....

Exercise for Babies: Yoga and Swimming
Even very young children should be as active as possible, because it helps their bodies and brains develop. Children who are active are also more likely to grow into…...

Mummy and Me Classes
A look at the benefits of getting young children involved in fitness early, specifically by enrolling them in “Mummy and Me” classes....

Tiny Tots Tumbling
A look at the benefits of enrolling young children in tiny tots tumbling classes. Stresses the need for the focus to be on fun, rather than proper gymnastic form....