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Fitness Programs and Personal Trainers for Kids

By: Elizabeth Grace - Updated: 13 Jul 2012 | comments*Discuss
Kids Kids Games Children Fitness Games

When it comes to exercise and fitness, children aren’t likely to think in terms of health, training, and weight loss like adults might, but instead focus on the fun involved in playing games, which is how it should be. When kids participate in a fitness program at school and also spend some of their free time pursuing interests that include physical activity, they are taking steps to improve their overall health and wellness, so these types of activities should be encouraged by parents and teachers.

School Fitness Programs

While schools include fitness programs for students, most do not provide enough time for kids to get the exercise that they need for optimal health and development. It’s helpful that teachers provide children with basic instruction on a number of games and sports, but the time spent on physical pursuits during the average school day is insufficient for maintaining good health. Most kids need to participate in some form of sport or active hobby in their after school hours and on the weekends, ideally developing an interest in at least one “life sport” that they will continue long after they are out of school and on their own.

Some parents, in an effort to help their kids to develop good exercise habits, enroll them in fitness programs or in some cases, enlist the help of personal trainers. Fitness minded families may also choose to make active play a part of their family time, swimming, hiking, or riding bikes together.

Recommendations for Active Kids

Ideally, kids should get at least an hour of physical activity most days of the week, but the reality is that many kids fall short of this recommendation. Recent studies indicate that many kids get little to no exercise during their average week, instead spending much of their free time watching television or playing computer games. When you combine this inactivity with a diet that is nutritionally deficient and loaded with empty calories, it is no wonder that today’s kids are heavier and unhealthier than those of generations past.

Fortunately, reaping the benefits of daily activity doesn’t require that families completely overhaul their current schedules. It’s not necessary to find large blocks of time to dedicate to exercise and fitness; three twenty-minute sessions of playing actively is enough to keep kids healthy and strong.

Concerns for Kids Health and Fitness

Health professionals are expressing concern for the future health of today’s kids, fearing that they may suffer long term consequences as a result of their sedentary lifestyles. Many kids today are considered obese, and weight loss programmes for children are gaining in popularity. It is important that parents take their children’s health and fitness seriously because habits formed in childhood are often maintained all throughout life.

Fitness Camps and Personal Trainers for Kids

Many adults participate in programs designed to help them to lose weight and get into shape, and similar programs for kids are now being seen in communities everywhere. Many of today’s kids would benefit from weight loss programs designed and run by personal trainers, especially those that utilise a number of games for kids that are fun while being designed to improve overall health and fitness.

Teachers in such programs should be well trained in not only children’s exercise physiology, but in nutrition, as well. Truly successful training for children includes teaching kids how to take care of their bodies, from choosing foods that provide good fuel to participating in activities that build muscle, burn fat, increase strength and endurance, and improve flexibility.

Some programmes are held locally, with kids gathering to play games and exercise in ways that help their growing bodies, but others are organised as specialised camps for kids who need to lose weight, get into shape, and learn new habits for keeping themselves in good condition. Most employ a variety of professional trained in diet, nutrition, and fitness. Fitness trainers, once utilised almost exclusively by adults, are now being hired for children and teens, too.

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